Showering and Bathing as a Spoonie

Showering and Bathing as a Spoonie

Let’s talk about something personal, ok? Showers and baths. We all know how exhausting they are for a Spoonie, but how can we work them for our benefit?

When I shower, I do it as quickly as possible. I use 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner because I don’t have the energy or time to sit in the shower waiting for conditioner to sit in my hair, and the arm motions of rubbing it in and washing it out are extremely tiring. Fortunately my hair is one of my better features and I don’t require expensive shampoo or conditioner to make it look good.

For my face and body I use a Norwex body cloth. It is this awesome microfiber cloth that has antibacterial properties in it. It helps me not get breakouts or get sick from a bacteria-infested washcloth or loofa in the shower. I used to have huge problems with breakouts before I started using it, but now my skin is clear! It’s nice to have one quick cloth to clean, and then I’m done. 

When I take baths, I do it because my body is so achy that I need heat all over my body. When I bathe I use epsom salts. I don’t just put a few sprinkles of them in, I use a full cup of them, and that makes a huge difference all by itself. I also add my essential oils. There is a huge list of oils that you can use for baths for different reasons (to calm anxiety, to relax, to ease pain). When I bathe I use 2 drops of Rosemary oil, 2 drops of Wintergreen oil, 1 drop of Peppermint oil, 1 drop of Panaway oil, and 1 drop of Copaiba oil. These five oils are my go-to pain relieving oils and they smell AMAZING together. I soak for at least 20 minutes. 

I’ve switched to microfiber towels that are antibacterial as well. Not only do my towels smell fresher, my body–where breakouts used to form–is clearing up. Those old dingy, bacteria infested towels are gone! It contributes to my overall health, which, as a Spoonie, is so important.

Do you have any tricks that you’ve come up with to get through showering and bathing more quickly or more painlessly? Comment and let me know!